If you are currently renovating your home buying tiles for your house might seem like an easy task but once, you visit the store you will soon see how difficult it can actually be. Shopping for tiles is not chest choosing the colours, patterns or materials. Whether you would be buying the tiles from an online or a physical store there are a number of things that you should consider.


Material is the first thing that you should decide on when you are buying tiles. There are five most common tile materials that you could choose from. Where you plan to install these tiles will make it easier for you to decide on the material. An established tile shop will sell ceramic and porcelain. They are the most popular tiles used in any part of the home because they are sturdy, economical and flexible.

You might get confused about porcelain and ceramic because of their similarities. But they have one significant difference and that is how much water each material can hold. Ceramic holds more water than porcelain and is recommended to be used in the kitchen and or the bathroom. Vinyl on the other hand is waterproof tiles while glass is delicate but still perfect to be used for accents.


If you are shopping for tiles for a room that you want to look larger select tiles with lighter colours. Darker-coloured tiles on the other hand are best suited in open areas. Make sure that you have enough sources of light, so the dark colour scheme does not overpower the other colours of the room or make the room’s vibe gloomy.

High-traffic areas such as your living room could benefit from lively colours for your tiles as these tiles will give the room more character and personality.

To make sure that the tiles will go well with the room’s general design, shop for tiles that complement the already existing colour scheme or theme. Remember that the tiles again significantly improve or harm how the room looks as a whole.

Size and shape

This might not be a bigger factor than materials or colours, but the size and shape of the tiles can also affect the appearance of the room. Shoes seeing the ideal size and shape of a tile could be particularly helpful especially if there are oddly shaped spaces in a room.

Manufacturers offer an overwhelming variety of tile sizes. The sizes range from tiny mosaic tiles to big tiles. If you are shopping for backsplashes, then little mosaic tiles will do. However, if you are looking for residential flooring tiles then you could choose the typical 45 x 45 cm or bigger tiles that are sized 90 x 90 cm.

The most common shape for tiles is square. Recently though, because of their contemporary appearance rectangular tiles have grown in popularity.

Before you visit a store, it’s recommended that you already know what you are looking for so as not to be swayed by the numerous choices available. It will also be easier for the sales personnel to help you if you are already aware of the material, colour, size and shape of the tiles that you prefer.