Answer :

Option B: it suggests that parents’ words were held in very high regard.

The question seems to refer to a specific story or myth about the origin of the robin in Ojibwa culture, but without more context or information, it is difficult to determine the exact message or lesson that the story conveys regarding the parent-child relationship.

However, based on the general cultural values and beliefs of the Ojibwa people, we can make some educated guesses.

In general, the Ojibwa place a strong emphasis on the importance of family and community, and the parent-child relationship is typically characterized by a deep sense of respect and reciprocity.

Parents are seen as the primary teachers and guides of their children, and their words and actions are expected to reflect wisdom and integrity.

Therefore, based on this cultural context, it is possible that the story of the robin’s origin may suggest that Ojibwa parents placed a high value on their own teachings and guidance, and that they expected their children to honor and respect their wisdom.

Alternatively, it could suggest that Ojibwa parents were open to new ideas and perspectives, and encouraged their children to question and challenge established beliefs and traditions.

Yes, based on the given statement, “the origin of the robin” suggests that Ojibwa views of the parent-child relationship involved holding parents’ words in high regard. This implies that Ojibwa parents were respected as authoritative figures whose teachings and guidance were valued and expected to be followed by their children.