A. to explain to the reader the origin of Maasai culture
B. to persuade the reader to adopt the Maasai’s affection for the sky god
C. to entertain the reader with the fantastic setting of where the Maasai live
D. to impress the reader with the history of the Maasai


Option A, to explain the origin of Maasai culture, is the most appropriate answer.

Based on the information given, the most likely reason why Neiterkob’s daughter tells the myth “The Beginnings of the Maasai” is to explain to the reader the origin of Maasai culture. The myth is a creation story that describes how Enkai (the Maasai sky god) created the world and the Maasai people. The story provides insights into Maasai culture, including their beliefs about their relationship with Enkai and their reverence for cattle.

The Maasai people have a rich and fascinating cultural heritage that traces its origins back to ancient times. According to Maasai mythology, their cultural foundations are rooted in a creation story that explains the origin of their people and the world they inhabit.

In the myth, it is believed that a sky god named Enkai, who dwells in the heavens, descended to Earth and created the first Maasai man named Neiterkob. Neiterkob was given the responsibility of leading and guiding the Maasai people, establishing the social and cultural practices that would shape their way of life.

Enkai bestowed upon the Maasai a deep reverence for nature and the environment, emphasizing the interconnectedness between humans, animals, and the earth. Cattle play a significant role in Maasai culture, as Enkai presented them as a sacred gift to the Maasai people. They are considered a symbol of wealth, status, and spiritual significance. The Maasai are traditionally nomadic pastoralists who rely on their herds for sustenance and as a primary source of livelihood.

Another important aspect of Maasai culture is the warrior tradition. Young Maasai men undergo a rite of passage called “Emuratare,” which marks their transition into adulthood and warriorhood. This process involves various rituals, including circumcision, challenges of endurance, and the learning of essential skills for survival and defense.

The Maasai also have a strong oral tradition, with storytelling playing a central role in their culture. Myths, legends, and folktales are passed down from generation to generation, serving as a means of preserving history, values, and lessons for the community.

Throughout history, the Maasai people have faced numerous challenges, including conflicts with neighboring tribes and changes brought about by modernization. Despite these challenges, they have managed to maintain their cultural identity and continue practicing many of their traditional customs and beliefs.

Today, the Maasai culture is renowned for its distinctive attire, vibrant beadwork, intricate jewelry, and breathtakingly beautiful traditional ceremonies, such as the Maasai jumping dance, which is performed on special occasions.

In summary, the origin of Maasai culture can be traced back to the creation story in which Enkai, the sky god, created the first Maasai man, Neiterkob. This myth provides a foundation for the Maasai people’s deep connection with nature, their reverence for cattle, their warrior traditions, and their strong oral storytelling tradition. The Maasai culture stands as a testament to their resilience, adaptability, and preservation of their rich heritage throughout history.